Keep your company's accounting up to date
In order to comply with Swiss law, companies are obliged to keep their company’s accounts up to date and correct, either by specialised departments or by outsourcing services (in doing so the ultimate responsibility will always lie with the company and its management bodies). Thus, using HSS GROUP will be the best way to leave the accounting and auditing of your organisation in the hands of experts so that it complies with Swiss accounting standards (according to the Swiss Code of obligations).
Our aim is to provide you with a range of accounting services that will enable your company to increase profits while complying with legal and tax related requirements. We have a team of professional experts in the field of financial accounting, cost accouting, bookkeeping, financial management and much more – contact us!
All services for correct financial management
To get great results for your company, in addition to a good commercial and marketing work, you need to have experts in accounting and finance, like those of HSS GROUP! Through our team, we provide accounting services for different types of companies and corporations. Our work is 100% adaptable to your business and projects.
Our accountants and experts offer you not only the professional advice your organisation needs, but also a wide range of financial services such as financial accounting, cost accouting, bookkeeping, interim financial statements, advice on financial statements or balance sheets, among other services.
Auditing (service offered by third parties)
Audits of your company’s financial statements consist of performing validation reviews of the balances in the accounting reports to ensure that the figures in the income statements and balance sheets match from a financial reporting point of view. In this way, the management of the company can make decisions based on correct information. In addition, the auditors’ responsibility is to determine whether the company’s accounts, the annual financial statements, and the management of the distribution of profits in the balance sheet have been made in accordance with the law.
Our external partners (registered Audit Firms) have auditors and auditor experts with years of experience who are registered with the Federal Supervisory Authority for Audit Firms. Thus, you will have at your disposal a trained and authorised team to provide you with limited and ordinary audits, special audits for certain type of transactions, like contribution in kind and reviews for the reduction or increase of share capital.
Other accounting services
The range of services related to accounting that we offer at HSS GROUP also covers other aspects. With our financial planning service, we can carry out a global analysis of your company’s finances to offer solutions tailored to your financial reality. We can also help you in the preparation of budgets, cash budget, business plans and analysis of investment projects, among other things.
In addition, our team of financial experts can guide you in designing a robust management control system to prevent your company from being vulnerable to market and competitive effects. To this end, we carry out risk analysis, financial reporting, budget, and liquidity planning, etc. We are financial experts!